Aarhus University Seal

About Open Innovation in Science

Since 2016, Aarhus University has experimented with Open Innovation in Science (OIS) as a new model for collaborating with industry and creating impact from our university research. This has resulted in several open platforms including ODIN and Plant2Food and the Faculties of Natural and Technical Sciences have therefore decided to establish the OIS center to develop the concept and harmonize its implementation.

"We aim to use OIS to increase the impact of university research for the benefit of industry and society . This requires that we learn from best practices around the world and pursue opportunities to develop the concept further as we gain more insight from its implementation from across different research areas, sectors and value chains."


Marie Louise Conradsen - Head of Open Innovation at Science, Aarhus University

"The idea behind Open Innovation in Science is to share knowledge and results openly as soon as possible. From international initiatives, we know that this will help acceleratenew discoveries and open new collaboration opportunities –  but it also paves the way for downstream innovation and repurposing of results. To this end, you can always access our open results and knowledge on Zenodo."

Marie Louise Conradsen - Head of Open Innovation at Science, Aarhus University