Aarhus University Seal

Open publications

Publications about the OIS concept

Archetypes of Open Science Partnerships: connecting aims and means in open biomedical research collaborations

Norn, Maria-Theresa; Priego, Laia Pujol; Ramos-Vielba, Irene; Ryan, Thomas Kjeldager; Conradsen, Marie Louise; Durcan, Thomas Martin; Hulcoop, David G.; Edwards, Aled; Müller, Susanne

Open Science Partnerships (OSPs) are gaining attention as alternatives to university–industry collaborations with restrictive IPR and knowledge sharing policies. OSPs have different expected outcomes and deploy varying means to reach them. Appreciating these differences is crucial to understanding their scientific and socio-economic impact, and yet these differences have never been systematically investigated. This exploratory study draws on qualitative case studies of five biomedical OSPs involving academic partners and pharmaceutical companies. It identifies key elements—purpose, activities and structure—that can be used to describe how OSPs are designed. We identify two key aspects of purpose—predominant intent and research aims—which we argue affect the activities and structure of an OSP. Based on these two aspects, we propose four ideal types of OSPs that are designed to provide a starting point for researchers who explore the nature and impact of OSPs and for practitioners who are developing OSPs and wish to ensure that they deploy appropriate means to meet the intended outcomes of their partnership.

September 11, 2024 (Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, article 1184)


The emergence of open science models for university–industry collaboration

Norn, Maria-Theresa; Ramos-Vielba, Irene; Bloch, Carter Walter; Conradsen, Marie Louise

A small but growing number of university–industry research collaborations require participants to share all research outputs freely and openly with the public and to accept that no intellectual property can be claimed on outputs from the partnership. These partnerships are often presented as the future of academy–industry collaboration, but are neither widely known nor much studied. This article introduces the notion of open science models for university–industry collaboration and discusses their potential impact. The ODIN initiative at Aarhus University contributes to illustrate this phenomenon.

March 22, 2022 (Forskningspolitikk, p32-34)


Examining Open Innovation in Science (OIS): what Open Innovation can and cannot offer the science of science

Beck, Susanne; LaFlamme, Marcel; Bergenholtz, Carsten; Bogers, Marcel; Brasseur, Tiare-Maria; Conradsen, Marie-Louise; Crowston, Kevin; Di Marco, Diletta; Effert, Agnes; Filiou, Despoina; Frederiksen, Lars; Gillier, Thomas; Gruber, Marc; Haeussler, Carolin;  Hoisl, Karin;  Kokshagina, Olga; Norn, Maria-Theresa; Poetz, Marion; Pruschak, Gernot; Priego, Laia Pujol; Radziwon, Agnieszka; Ruser, Alexander; Sauermann, Henry; Shah, Sonali K.;  Suess-Reyes, Julia;Tucci, Christopher L.; Tuertscher, Philipp; Vedel, Jane Bjørn; Verganti, Roberto; Wareham, Jonathan; Xu, Sunny Mosangzi

Scholars across disciplines increasingly hear calls for more open and collaborative approaches to scientific research. The concept of Open Innovation in Science (OIS) provides a framework that integrates dispersed research efforts aiming to understand the antecedents, contingencies, and consequences of applying open and collaborative research practices. While the OIS framework has already been taken up by science of science scholars, its conceptual underpinnings require further specification. In this essay, we critically examine the OIS concept and bring to light two key aspects: 1) how OIS builds upon Open Innovation (OI) research by adopting its attention to boundary-crossing knowledge flows and by adapting other concepts developed and researched in OI to the science context, as exemplified by two OIS cases in the area of research funding; 2) how OIS conceptualises knowledge flows across boundaries. 

December 5, 2021 (Innovation: Organization and Management)


The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach.

Beck, Susanne; Bergenholtz, Carsten; Bogers, Marcel; Brasseur, Tiare-Maria; Conradsen, Marie Louise; Di Marco, Diletta; Distel, Andreas P.; Dobusch, Leonhard; Dörler, Daniel; Effert, Agnes; Fecher, Benedikt;  Filiou, Despoina; Frederiksen, Lars; Gillier, Thomas; Grimpe, Christoph; Gruber, Marc; Haeussler, Carolin; Heigl, Florian; Hoisl, Karin; Hyslop, Katie; Kokshagina, Olga; LaFlamme, Marcel; Lawson, Cornelia; Lifshitz-Assaf, Hila; Lukas, Wolfgang; Nordberg, Markus; Norn, Maria Theresa; Poetz, Marion; Ponti, Marisa; Pruschak, Gernot; Priego, Laia Pujol; Radziwon, Agnieszka; Rafner, Janet; Romanova, Gergana; Ruser, Alexander; Sauermann, Henry; Shah, Sonali K.; Sherson, Jacob F.; Suess-Reyes, Julia; Tucci, Christopher L.; Tuertscher, Philipp; Vedel, Jane Bjørn; Velden, Theresa; Verganti, Roberto; Wareham, Jonathan; Wiggins, Andrea; Xu, Sunny Mosangzi

Openness and collaboration in scientific research are attracting increasing attention from scholars and practitioners alike. However, a common understanding of these phenomena is hindered by disciplinary boundaries and disconnected research streams. We link dispersed knowledge on Open Innovation, Open Science, and related concepts such as Responsible Research and Innovation by proposing a unifying Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Framework.

August 4, 2020 (Industry and Innovation)


Data and results from the open initiatives

We have created a community on Zenodo for sharing all data and results for the projects funded under the Open Innovation in Science concept. Use the links below to find the open knowledge.